Sunday, October 12, 2008

Get your pictures of your iPhone (without iTunes and iPhoto)

Ever wanted to just get our photos of your iPhone - the easy way?

Just use digital image.

Original source:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pray for Apple to release a security fix soon

According to SecureMac there are several (read > 0) trojan horses in the wild that leverage the root escalation problem.

Please Apple provide a security fix to the masses - at least use my ultra simple fix to open at least the root prompt. (Then at least some users will notice that there is something wrong).

AppleScript.THT Trojan Horse

Sunday, June 22, 2008

MySpore BreakDown

Nice to know that they are using ColdFusion and EH-Cache.

Let's hope that they will fix their performance problems soon and I can continue to upload my Spore creatures :)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Annoying Root Exploit on Mac OSX via Apple Remote Desktop

Lets remeber for one second, why a Mac is so much better than a PC:

It’s gorgeous. Inside and out.
Since the software on every Mac is created by the same company that makes the Mac itself, you get a completely integrated computer that’s as secure, stable, and powerful as it is elegant and easy to use.
Apple: Why Mac

It's so damn secure - that it ships with a root exploit. (Excuse me, maybe it's just that user friendly, that it won't ask for the root password).

Anyway, here's how to fix it (one line!):

chmod u-s /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/

Mac OS X Root Escalation Through AppleScript
ARDAgent root privilege escalation
Root-Exploit für Mac OS X

Security is like sex. Once you're penetrated you're ****ed.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Update all my git projects automatically

Here's a quick one-liner I use, to update all my git projects I follow:

for d in `ls -1p | grep \/$`; do echo "entering $d" ; cd $d ; git pull ; cd .. ; done

This helps my to easily stay current on several projects and only requires my to start a single shell script :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hibernate on Mac

Since my rechargeable battery looses more and more of it's capacity, it's really annoying that the Macs (or at least my MacBook) performs only a standby, when I close the lid. This still drains some (although not much) power from the battery.

Lucky me, I found a small tool that puts your Mac into hibernate mode.
Alternate way

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spaces rules - or how to navigate on your Mac OSX Leopard

Today I worked through the configuration of my keyboard shortcuts and discovered, that Mac OSX 10.5 Spaces is actually useful - if you know your keys :)

For my setup, I've:
  • F12: Exposé (all windows)
  • F11: Exposé (application windows)
  • F10: Show desktop
  • F9 : Spaces

I discovered, that Spaces is (like Exposé) useable with your cursor keys!
When I press F9, Spaces is launched with a total of 9 spaces - now that's a lot of screen space :)

Finally I can control all important applications my Mac entirely with the keyboard:
  • Mac OSX: APPLE+TAB = switch between all applications
  • Mac OSX: OPTION+TAB = (looks like APPLE+TAB) switch between all open windows on this space (you need witch installed)
  • Mac OSX: F12, CURSOR KEYS = (more impressive display) switch between all open windows on this space
  • Mac OSX: OPTION+CURSOR KEYS = switch between neighbor spaces
  • Mac OSX: F9, CURSOR KEYS, RETURN = navigate directly to the space
  • In Firefox: OPTION+APPLE+CURSOR KEYS = switch between tabs
  • In Adium: APPLE+CURSOR KEYS = switch between chat tabs
  • In TextMate: OPTION+APPLE+CURSOR KEYS = switch between tabs (only available with projects)
Just don't forget which key does what ;)